Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR is a concept designed for a large corporation to give back and impact the society. But being socially responsible is not an option open to only big organizations and brands, it is a must for all business whether small or big. Small Business Social Responsibility, SBSR is a way for small businesses and cottage industries to impact their community positively especially their immediate business environment. It is an opportunity to replenish and reduce the effect of businesses on the community. The failure to replenish the earth, our inability to give back what was taken from the earth is what we faced today ecologically – climate change.

The notion that social responsibility is not for small businesses is a gross misunderstanding. Indeed, small businesses are in an enviable position that makes a little input result in a very large output. Already, small businesses are providing jobs for community members, increasing Internal Generated Revenue, IGR for the Local Government but they can still do more. Sponsorship of events and programs of developmental values is a sort of SBSR. Idea, they say rules the world. Our business has partners – big businesses and brands that can be lured into joining us in giving back to our community.

The Smithyz Bar and Restaurant way
Smithyz Bar and Restaurant in Bariga conceived an idea that will not only promote youth development and draw attention to talents in the community but also provides a platform for talents to showcase their skills. With determination and negotiation, the Bar made a solid plan and approached other community businesses but more importantly, they were able to convince their big partners to support and be part of the event. They convince their partners, sold them the benefits derivable from being part of the event. And the rest is history.

Idea moves the world, you don’t have to go it all alone. Only when we help our community grow, only then can we achieve our business growth. We are aware of other businesses doing so much to promote community development. But we need much more to explore our community development options and exploit the many talents that are numerous in our communities.

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