Book Review: How to cope in tough time

Title: Tough times never last but tough people do

Author: Dr. Robert H. Schuller

Pagination: 237

Part: 3

No of Chapters: 10


If you have not read this book in your life time, it’s high time you do. If you have read it, it is time for a refresher course. Read it again, because tough times called for tough measures. The time we are in requires continuous motivation and life coaching mentorship. If you are going through a tough time whether financially, economically, socially, spiritually, marriage-wise and unemployment, this book could be your pathfinder, your Google map to solution and your android app to manage your peculiar situation.

 What is the secret that made some people succeed in tough times? How do they surmount the tough times that overwhelm other? Why do they excel while others failed?  Robert Schuller said, “The difference between those who win and those who don’t is the application of the powerful concept of ‘Possibility Thinking’. Winners dare to dream. They commit themselves to it. They dare to try, to take risk. They believe ‘If it’s going to be, it’s up to me’. They understand that failure is an event not a person. They never quit.”

One of Dr. Schuller point is that every living being has a problem, what makes the different is the management of that problem – the way you react. This book is divided into three parts, the first part introduce you to the author’s family and their tough time in the 1960s and how they are able to overcome what then was seen as impossible situation. Part II shows you how to become tough while part III outline action needed to be taken. In order to put problem in their proper perspective, the author shares these six principles;

  1. Every living human being has problems.
  2. Every problem has a limited life span.
  3. Every problem holds positive possibility.
  4. Every problem will change you.
  5. You can choose what your problem will do to you.
  6.  There is a negative and a positive reaction to every problem.

He is assures reader that his 12 principles if applied to any problem will work wonders. In other to take charge and control your problems, the author listed his 17 principles of leadership that must be learned and followed. The leadership principles basically required anyone in problem or challenge not to surrender to 17 outside forces, which includes fences, fantasy, facts, forecast, etc.

One of the high point of the book is the introduction of a game tagged “Playing the possibility thinking game”. The game, according to the author is a formula for solving insolvable problems. This involves writing 10 possible solutions to a problem and start eliminating them one by one on their impossibility or infeasibility. The book is for everybody-students, business managers, professionals, employees and anybody that have a problem to solve. Do try to read this book and your life might never be the same.

You can order the book or eBook for your Tabs, android and Blackberry phones by calling 0803 550 2253.

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